Below is the tournament schedule for 2019-2020.
Click on the pattern to view the details.
9/15/2019 - Beaten Path
10/20/2019 - Route 66
11/17/2019 - Winding Road
12/15/2019 - Big Ben
1/12/2020 - Sunset Strip
2/16/2020 - Gateway Arch
3/15/2020 - Tower of Pisa
4/26/2020 - Grand Finals - Alcatraz
All tournaments begin at 10am with check-in starting at 9:30am. Tournaments usually conclude by 2:30pm.
All tournaments take place at Westy's Garden Lanes, located at 5504 W Alworth Street in Garden City, ID.
To review past pattern and tournament dates, click the link below.
2016-2017 Tournament Schedule
2017-2018 Tournament Schedule
2018-2019 Tournament Schedule